Originally Posted by Haplos
If you use the premise that Isreal or any other nation commited war crimes so it was ok to attack them we would all be in a never ending war. I am saying that for every injustice against the Palestinians, they have commited the same against Isreal....the Isrealies gave up land that the palestinians demanded for peace, and they were repaid by more attacks and having their soldier kidnapped. Well, we didn't do it first man...will never solve the problem, but that's all you ever hear when they are questioned. I don't profess to have the solution to the Palestinian problem, but again, if you only want to tell me look what those Isrealies did, and not look what they both did, you are not looking at the facts.

You really have to study the period when England gave that relatively miniscule piece of land to the displaced Isreali people, how the few inhabitants of that area at the time were in an area with few natural resources, and how it wasn't a big deal until they did get the land, after which they were attacked multiple times by most Arabian countries, barely surviving. After they couldn't defeat Isreal, many then turned to terrorism, blowing up busses in Tel Aviv, launching rockets into Isreal, etc., etc.

While I agree Isreal has gone too far in some cases, in general, what would you have them do? I guarantee you that if the same happened here, that our response would be even more pronounced. In fact, I know Isreal would have done a LOT more to these nations harboring and supporting terrorism if the United States in the last 30 years (pretty much since the atrocities at the Olympic Games in Germany in the 1970s) hadn't applied major pressure for them to not retaliate in equal measure, weather against Palistinian terror or Iraqi skud missiles, etc.
