<p align="center"><img src="http://www.station.sony.com/images/community/news/4th_of_july_sm.jpg" /></p> <p align="justify">For those celebrating Independence Day this weekend we hope you all have a fabulous time this 4th of July! Be sure to enjoy the day with all your friends and family, either in game or in person. Happy 4th of July! </p> <p align="justify">We would also like to extend our thanks to all members of the United States armed services for keeping us safe. We appreciate all you do.</p> <p align="justify">Telonians are also making the most of this festive weekend by taking part in the <a href="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/newsArchive.vm?id=601&month=062008&section=News">M ekalian Extravaganza of Sciences and Technology</a>! On the outskirts of Mekalia, several spirited players from the Seradon server gathered for an explosive celebration complete with fireworks and treats! </p> <p align="center"><img src="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/images/community/Holiday/July4/fireworks02_m.JPG" width="306" height="272" /></p> <p align="justify">If you have any screenshots from a festive in-game event, we'd love to share them on VGPlayers! Send your screenshots to <a href="mailto:SOEFanArt@soe.sony.com">SOEFanArt</a>! <br /> <br /> </p>
