<div align="justify"> <p align="center"><img src="http://vgplayers.station.sony.com/images/en/feature/July/blockparty.gif" width="500" height="288" /></p> <p>Our annual Block parties are a blast and this year will be no different! Join us at SOE Headquarters for music, food, tours, previews of upcoming games, give-aways, raffles and much more. There will be activities for kids as well. Meet with dev team members and staff, socialize with employees and friends, and have a great time. <br /><br /><strong> This just in - from 4:00pm to 5:30pm you can meet comic book artist Jim Lee!</strong><br /> <br /> Read on to get all the details about this fun and <em>FREE</em> event! </p> </div>
