Originally Posted by Vul
I like this one the most :]

Because it's got a pretty background. The armor looks nice as well; is that more along the lines of What Aradune wears in his lore story, green armor? [I read it on the Brad McQuaid wiki]

this one is cool too > http://www.bradmcquaid.com/Aradune9.jpg

Yep, we're very close to the Aradune I always dreamed about and who is introduced into the Vanguard universe with the Outrider Incarnate story. In EQ, due to the way tech rolled out, even though Aradune was a ranger, he looked more like a warrior with his 2-handed Fiery Avenger, etc. With Vanguard, he is evolving visually into something much closer to how I've envisioned him when I created him years ago before I got into MUDs, much less developing MMOGs.
