<div id="post_message_558842"> Quote:
Originally Posted by Fammaden
Yeah, you have to wonder here. Where are the screens and vids of player crafted boats and player housing? Brad even used such things in this very thread as an example of how his game stands apart from WoW, didn't he? These two features were, by my interpretations, sold to us as major next gen selling points for VG. Do they exist in beta at all? Housing is a really underexplored option in modern MMO's and so far there really hasn't been a solid attempt at a robust system for it. SWG might come closest, and it seems like many people actually enjoyed that aspect of the game. I never could get into any aspect of SWG myself, but I am apparently one of the ignorant masses who actually thinks WoW is a good game.

So...player made housing and city screenshots? NPC or PC attacks on player made housing or vehicles? Ten minute video of a crafter building half of a support beam? Something? It would seem like the beta has been active for long enough to get people doing some of this shit unless there have been level caps or it is not in. Maybe devs testing some of it? Are these features being worked on?

1. There are already several videos and a lot of screenshots showing player owned ships.

2. There are also videos and screenshots of player housing, including some good ones from EQ with Jeff Butler getting pretty excited while showing and describing them.

3. We have shown many people in the press and to people involved with our affiliate sites ships and player housing, plus they're both active in beta -- so there is no doubt that they exist and function.

4. Full on player cities with an RTS element and interdependence built into the varoius player owned houses that make up a city likely won't make launch -- we've been up front about this for months. They are, however, in the plans and will be patched in post-launch.

5. NPCs don't attack houses or ships. They attack the occupants of a ship and the rider of a horse, but actual ship and horse (mounted) combat is something planned also for post-release and something we've been very open about as well for quite some time. These features, like city building, will come after launch and the game is being designed and the hooks in code being placed such that extending both systems won't be a huge deal or require re-write or re-design.

6. With crafting, you don't sit there a long time and actually build, say, a house piece by piece (we're not making a house-building simulator); rather, you make sure you have the right skills, abilities, and components and you make the house. This is in beta now.

7. I agree with you very much that player housing will be a big part of Vanguard, especially since you can use houses to store items and also decorate them with trophy items that can be any item from anywhere in the world -- you find a statue in the depths of a dungeon in Kojan and you put it in your inventory and then you head back to wherever your house is and then the tools allow you to place it exactly where you want it for display. All of this is in beta and I am pretty sure is shown in some of the E3 videos. That said, more videos are on the way which will show all of this in high quality and in more detail.

8. I would also agree that our housing system, if it is to be compared to a modern MMOG, most closely resembles SW:G's.
