Originally Posted by Dliw
Well, so far characters, horses and boats behave like they have no mass at all, defying physics totally when it comes to mass, movement and energy. It would be nice if a horse at full gallop would take some time to stop, but I think the "accidents" are what keeps the devs from implementing it. (there ARE quite a few cliffs in Vanguard ). Same holds true for acceleration by the way, it's normally from 0 to 100.

It would be even nicer to see this with boats... so it would actually take some skill to stear a boat into the harbor, if you don't want to run it up on the quay. Alas, I fear none of this will make it into game They have to save some cool features for Vanguard 2, don't they?

Acutually, the ships use the physics engine. While we debug them that's not totally apparent (although, for example, it's what makes them move -- there are invisible physics repulsors at the beginning of the ship, under the deck, etc.)

So as we perfect other issues with the ships during beta 3 (and we hope to have them very usable during beta 3, if not then, for sure by beta 4), you'll then see us switch to making much more use of the physics engine. And not just for ships, but elsewhere in the game.

Can't use a ton because of how CPU intensive it is, but a. we'll be taking advantage of physics cards post-launch and b. in a year machines will be much quicker. So all the hooks are in place and while you'll see some very cool physics being used at launch, the Vanguard of 2008 and beyond will use it more and more, making for a much more immersive world. Also, our plans are to integrate these effects into gameplay, so our use of physics isn't just eye candy but is triggered by different things characters do (for example, maybe some crafters remove a cave-in blocking part of a dungeon and the rocks fall away using physics to determine the animation).
