Originally Posted by strider4222![]()
I'm not trying to make VG into an EQ1 clone, so please read the post before some of you click that reply buttom with fire in your eyes
EQ1 is possibly the longest lasting MMORPG ever. That means they had to do something right. I think the reason the game lasted so long was because it took so long to reach max level. Granted there were those hell levels that made the game tedious (at times), VG can avoid that.
A lot of people assume that because a game takes long to reach max level it's gonna be tedious and "oh so hardcore". Well, tedium can be avoided if you have a world big enough with enough to do in all three spheres. It seems like VG has this, so why rush everyone to max level teh way games like WoW and EQ2 did? This cuts the life of the game short.
I don't think all mobs should take 5 minutes and 6 people to kill, in fact I think most mobs should go down very fast by one person. EXP, however, I fell should rise very slowly. In all honesty, I think it should take the "core" gamer (2-4 hours 5 days a week) a year and a half to two years to reach max level. This is my personal idea of what would be ideal.
Anyone else have thoughts?
A true statement (the title) but you also have to make leveling up entertaining too, lest it become a grind. Easier said than done, but I hope we've done a better job this time.