The time has once again come to take up arms against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune! (and by opposing, to end them!).

We are putting out the call for battle once more on the public test server. Be amongst the first to experience the new Keep upgrade system in the second of our large scale, developer lead public tests this Tuesday, April 7th. Beginning at 8:00 PM EDT and continuing until 12:00 AM EDT we will be putting the new Keep Upgrade and Attacker Ordnance systems to the test. Be sure to keep your eye on PTS broadcast messages for more information about the Offical PTS Guilds for this event.

Come and experience all of the new features including upgraded keep doors, upgradeable guard options and the fearsome power of the Divine Altar!

So grab your Choppa or your Kindlestave and let slip the dogs of WAR!
