
Tomorrow night, 6/2/2009, we will be hosting another Developer lead Public Test Event for Game Update 1.3. We will be doing a focused test of the Realm Resource Quest which will control which realm has direct access to the new zone, The Land of the Dead!

The event will get rolling at approximately 8:30 PM EDT and will continue on throughout the evening. Be sure to copy over your characters, by accessing the Mythic Account Center, to the Warpstone Public Test Server. For more information on how to access the Public Test Server, please read this thread.

Don't forget, everyone who participates and submits feedback will be entered for a chance to win either an Imperial Griffon mount (Order) or an Enslaved Manticore mount (Destruction). So come on out and drive your enemies before you on the field of battle, and possibly score a sweet ride in the process!
