
Another round of our Free Character Transfers starts tomorrow! Players of the following servers will be able to login to the Mythic Account Center and begin transfer of their characters starting tomorrow, July 14th 2009. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully! There are cases where you may lose items if you do not properly prepare your character for transfer. This also applies to the Guild Transfer functionality.

Source Servers    To    Destination Servers

Ironfist                           Gorfang

Vortex                            Volkmar

Magnus                          Badlands
Skull Throne     

Server Population Bonuses - All Servers!

To help welcome players to their new homes and make the transfers easier for everyone, players on all servers will receive an extra 20% experience and renown for limited time!

Enjoy your new homes…WAAAGH!!!

UPDATE 12:30 PM EDT - Corrected an error in the FAQ regarding Characters of opposing realm on destination servers.

Free Character Transfer FAQ

Q: Why did my Character Transfer not go through when the website said my Character Transfer Request was complete?

A: Please check the Transfer Status and click on “More Info” for an explanation. This may be due to the following reasons:

    * The character was logged on at the same time the service attempted a transfer.
    * You already have a character of an opposing realm on the destination server. If this is the case you will have to delete your character of the opposing realm on the destination server in order to complete the character transfer.
    * Your character may have a duplicate name as another character on the destination server.

Q: I did not get prompted to fill in a new name for my character, but the website says it failed due to the name already in use.

A: Players must log in their character on the Destination server in order for the name to be updated, so it may be another player has moved a character with the same name over, but has not yet logged into that character on the new server.

Q: Some of my characters aren’t showing up as an option to Transfer but I know they are on the server.

A: This may be because the character has not been logged on for a very long time. Please physically log the character into the game, and then try your transfer again.

Q: How will I know when my character transfer is complete?

A: You can either view your Transfer Status on the Account Management website or you may wait for an email confirmation. An email will be sent to the address provided  in your account center to provide the status of your transfer automatically.

For information on the Guild Transfer feature, please refer to the Character Transfer page in the Mythic Account Center.
