It's that time yet again!

Time to kick off the 1.3.3 PTS Mass Playtests on everyone's favorite Public Test Server: Warpstone. Come and join the WAR Dev team for two nights of testing and your chance to win an Enslaved Manticore or Imperial Griffon Mount and be amongst the first to see the all new WAR Report feature!

We will hosting two events next week, this first one starting on Tuesday, 12/2/2009, at 8:00 PM EST. This first test will be previewing and putting the WAR Report through it's paces. On Thursday, 12/4/2009, at 8:00 PM EST we'll be conducting a mass battle royale stability test, so come on out and check out the shiny (literally!) new HDR and Bloom graphic features as you storm the PTS battlefield!

As always, we thank you for your continued support and we'll see you on the PTS!
