A device, probably mini-dv, but could be HD, that accepts a DVI-D cable. You could then set you x1950 or whatever to clone mode where that which is coming out of both dvi-d outputs is the same. You'd hook up one to your monitor and the other to this device. You would also hook up sound from your sound card to this device (preferably digital optical, but analog would be acceptable).

You could then record on to the tape or HD whatever was coming out of your video card at 1920x1200 (1080i/p) rez plus the sound. This would enable you to record in-game movies with zero costs like that which FRAPS incurs.

Even if it did not accept DVI-D, I think there are DVI-D to component cables, and the device could accept component 1080i/p.

You could then read in the recorded video into your computer via firewire and edit in Primiere or other video editing software.

Something like this must exist, but am having trouble finding it via google. It might not be a consumer level device but rather prosumer or profressional. As long as the price wasn't stupid, I would be interested in it.

thanks in advance.

edit: the device likely would NOT have a lens and not be an HD camcorder, but a device more specific for this purpose. Perhaps a small lcd screen, but I'd rather not do this with a camcorder (not that I have seen any with this capability). When I do buy a hi def cam corder it will be for personal use, etc. and not for Vanguard movie making
