I've mentioned quite a bit about the marketing/PR blitz that is underway. Well, here's some of it already.

Last Friday we had over 20 journalists down to see the game. They got an in-depth demo by Jeff and me, they got to play the game all afternoon with their own beta characters (yes, the press is getting in beta), and throughout the day they were brought in to have interviews with me, Jeff, and others on the team about the game. Basically, the PR people in charge (who did a great job, btw -- thanks!) would go into the room where they were all playing and grab a few to come back and do interviews, after which that group would return to playing and a new group would come in.

Now I have to say this: a lot of information the received is embargoed. What does that mean? They can't post articles about the details for a little while. Why? One, we want them to have more time in the game themselves, and two, to let the print magazines have time to prepare articles and get their magazines on the shelves so the online journalists don't steal the show.

That said, not everything was under embargo. We'll try to keep you as up to date as possible. Here's what's popped up already. I think it's pretty good stuff -- nothing likely totally new for the Vanguard fan who follows everything, but then this is part of the *mainstream* press onslaught-- you know, reaching out to people who might not know about the game, or very little, or, worst case, have a false impression. Also, they were given a bunch of new screenshots, including those showing parts of Kojan! So even to you diehards, that should be pretty cool.

Anyway, enough from me -- let's hear from those who have posted already:




Enjoy, feel free to comment, and also ask questions (like, hey, where the heck is that?) I'll monitor this thread and also look for others. And let me say too -- when the embargo is gone -- woot! Lot's of exciting news, plus you'll get reports from these journalists as to how they really think the game plays -- the fun factor, the nitty gritty, what it's like to start out as a noob -- you know, basically a different perspective than watching Jeff fly 2km above Khal on a level 50 griffon

So, just like with our recent releasing of beta tester stories, this will be another chip away at the old NDA. Yeah, we still need it, but less and less so everyday. You'll be hearing more and more about what people really feel about the game after playing it, not just experiencing a demo or some such. So the full NDA is still unlikely to be dropped until Beta 5, but as the game gets closer and closer to being ready to launch, you guys are going to hear more and more (as opposed to nothing, and then suddenly a ton of articles and posts day one of Beta 5).

Oh, and for those of you who enjoy debating release dates, we are no longer saying this Winter, but First Quarter 2007. Does that mean we're slipping? No, it's actually more specific (not that we're in a rush -- we *would* delay if we needed to to make a great game, but so far, so good). So how is it more specific? I'm not saying

have fun, thanks all, and again uber thanks to all of the journalists, the Sigil devs, the Sigil and SOE ops, and the Sigil and SOE PR folk (and Khonke comunications) that made this happen. And a personal thanks to Red Bull and Amped Energy Drink -- you *just* kept me going again all day like that and I don't know what I'd do without you
