Originally Posted by fucker
maybe im stupid, but i cant find the new article/infos
what am i missing?
Several new write ups with new screenshots from the big press demo we did just last Friday with over 20 mainstream journalists who were shown the game, did interviews all day, and also played beta 3 all day (we have a room with over 20 machines hooked live to beta 3).
Here, I'll post them directly here:
Also updated my web page with new info and 2 unreleased screenshots showing Kojan and flying mounts (scroll down to the Vanguard info):
Also wrote up a revised intro to Vanguard for those who haven't heard about it or haven't heard much:
Hello Everyone!
• Been having fun in WoW or another MMOG, but looking for something new, something deeper?
• Are you an old school MMOG player looking for a game that will wrap yesterday’s magic into a next-gen package?
• Might you be new to massively multiplayer gaming (or online interactive entertainment as it’s beginning to be called) and looking for the game that will be right for you?
If any of these descriptions sound like you, I’d like to cordially invite you to check out the next big massively multiplayer game coming your way the first quarter of 2007…
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Many MMOG players may already know about Vanguard and are looking forward to launch, or the opportunity to play in beta. Many of these people, especially long time gamers, are already active in our community and avidly looking forward to the game. These folks already know what they want out of Vanguard, and they believe that we at Sigil will deliver.
But there are some people who don’t realize that Vanguard may be the perfect game for them. They’re the people who are enjoying one of the current MMOs, but are ready for something deeper and more challenging. Or they’re folks who’ve heard of Vanguard but are misinformed about the game due to some of the rumors floating around. If either one of those circumstances is the case, I want to take the time to introduce you to Vanguard, and provide some resources for accurate information. We’ve made an effort to get the word out about Vanguard, whether through interacting with people on message boards, or releasing series of screenshots and in-game videos, or doing interviews for print and Web publications. Now I’d like to invite you to check out this information. Of course we can’t make a game that’s all things to all players (and really, who’d want to), but it might surprise you to learn that Vanguard could be the game for someone like you.
And neither do we want to make a game that’s a copy or clone of a popular game that’s already out there--players want choices, and meaningful ones at that. And now we want to help you make an informed choice about what massively multiplayer game you’ll be spending your time playing early next year, because how you spend your time is important, especially in a virtual world. You’re not just spending time, you’re investing time, both in your characters and in the relationships you form in-game. Some people may not understand online interactive entertainment and still think of MMOGs as “just games,” but while those guys play catch-up, we know they’re really so much more: they’re online communities, and these people we game with are real whether they live across the street or in another country. And not only are they real, they’re our friends. These “games,” the good ones anyway, aren’t just games, they’re homes.
So no matter who you are, we want to reach out to you and pique your interest in Vanguard because we are confident it's going to change the face of massively multiplayer online gaming next year, and the year after that, and…well, you get the picture--we’re in this for the long haul. Our aim, quite simply, is to offer an alternative to an online gaming genre that is dominated by a few very large and quite excellent games right now (Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft come to mind). Why? Because life is about choices, and that’s especially true when it comes to entertainment.
And Vanguard itself is about choices, too. It’s about freedom of choice. It contains content and quests and adventures for all sorts of people: casual players, “core” players, and even those who spend a lot of time in these games raiding in large groups. We're all about making a world that is inclusive, not exclusive. Vanguard offers a freedom that players have never before experienced--you have a wide variety of races and classes to choose from, unparalleled capability to customize your character, and multiple ways of advancing your character, be it through traditional adventuring, or an exciting system of harvesting and crafting, or a brand new spin on gameplay called diplomacy, where you use your wits and not your sword to decide the outcome of events and make your mark on the world.
And on top of all of this, the world itself is so immersive it’s mind-blowing. Telon, the world in which Vanguard takes place, awaits all sorts of people who want to be part of a living, breathing, virtual environment, in which you can own your own house, ride or sail a ship anywhere as far as you can see, and even one day fly through the clouds on the back of a dragon, a winged horse, or any number of mythical creatures to the destination of your choice. There are virtually no limitations in Vanguard--you get what you put into it and so much more. The world of Telon takes the “massive” in MMOG and cranks it up to eleven. But it's not just big for the sake of being big; it's full of variety and laid out in a seamless environment where if you can see an interesting location miles away in the distance--a dungeon or a castle, or really anything interesting at all--you can always get there. Exploration has been missing in some games as of late, but travel in Vanguard has meaning.
But we didn’t stop there either; we expanded upon the traditional high fantasy we all love and included not just one continent with familiar Western European, Tolkien-esque and Arthurian settings, but also another continent that draws from the tales of the Arabian Nights, full of pyramids, hanging gardens, and hidden jungles filled with exotic intrigue...virtually the entirety of Persian, Egyptian, and other middle eastern mythology. And then we went nuts and didn't stop there either; there’s a third continent, this time with an Oriental twist, which forms a vast archipelago of islands. Picture yourself as a thief or a ninja or a merchant or pirate, sailing from one isle to the next, discovering new lands and even lost empires swallowed whole long ago by the sea.
I've given you but a taste of what’s in store for you the first quarter of 2007, but I promise you there's *so* much more...far, far too much to cover here. I’d have to write thousands of pages of history and lore and background and settings. I’d have to design detailed game mechanics and systems that build upon every bit of our experience making these games and then goes even farther into the next generation of online gaming. Ah, but wait! Our team of over 100 people have already done just that and built all of it into this game, and they’ve been pouring their hearts and souls into it for over four years (not to mention those who worked on games like EverQuest, who have been dreaming about a virtual world like this for over a decade)! In fact, we’ve planned so much that you’re not only going to have all of this to experience soon, but after the game launches we have both live and expansion teams ready to add new content to the game; content that has, to a great degree, already been planned out so we know what Vanguard will look like and offer not just in 2007, but for more than seven years to come.
So how do you find out more? The heck with design documents and quest scripts and all of the art and data that makes an MMOG tick – that’s what we work with in-house at Sigil. Instead, check out our web sites and other resources, with more and more information being revealed virtually every day. Head to www.joinvanguard.com and find out more about the game as well as www.vanguardsoh.com where there are movies, screenshots, a detailed FAQ to answer your many questions about the game, and a very active message board community with well over 100,000 members. Find out what opportunities there will be to get into beta at some point. Read what people are saying about the game. Check out the screenshots and the videos. And don’t just read the boards, participate and ask us questions. Yeah, we developers are really there, with many of us using one screen to work on the game and another to interact with YOU to make sure we’re making the game YOU want to play.
So what are you waiting for?
-Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Original Producer & Co-Designer, EverQuest
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