<div id="post_message_574662"> Quote:
Originally Posted by Maxxius
Nope, have better things to do with my money than throw it away. I just don't want to get involved with timesink games anymore.

Seriosly, while gameplay advancement at mid to higher levels isn't as fast as WoW, it isn't that slow either, and we've created a world with so much more freedom -- different paths of advancement, ways to keep your group together including offline travel with our Caravan system, an advanced LFG system that looks for people with common interests so hopefully that pick up group turns into a regular group of friends, and such a vast, but still varied and interesting seamless world to explore, while you like won't hit max level as fast, you'll be doing so many other things, your overall days played will be longer, but they shouldn't feel like a timesink.

No, we're not perfect, and there will be some grind (just as there is in WoW), but we went into this project (almost 4.5 years ago now) planning on how to minimize the grind, make adventuring fun, make traveling meaningful and fun, and bringing back the 'doing of dungeons' with out encounter routes and non-instanced worlds.

Vanguard may not be for everyone, but I think to a great many it will be a breath of fresh air. The timesink and the grind is our enemy every bit as it is yours and we are comitted to stomping it out as much as possible, and we'll only get better and better
