Originally Posted by huckleberry1969
One thing I really hope is, u will be able to turn off the damage #'s over the enemy's head. I cant stand that. I would rather it be in a separate window it ruins the submersed effect for me in a big way guess i'm just old school.
as far as the casting effects, I would like to see a lot more graphics in this area it's time to upgrade the effect level for each race, caster, fighter, like every spell has a different look when u cast or fight as far as the motions go, not the same old thing over and over, i'm sure the boss man is working on this that's why it's still in beta but just thought I would throw my 2cp in for an effect!!
being a big fan of EQ back in the day one thing I really enjoyed was when you were a caster your spells at lower lvl's looked newbish! and as u got higher lvl they seamed to get a lot more graphical in the sense they looked like high lvl spells, to me that was just cool as hell!! it made u feel like u accomplished something awesome
1. You can turn the #s on and off as well as alot of things in Settings.
2. We continue to work on particles and making more types, a better progression, etc. We're making good progress. Every few patches you should see gradual improvement in quality and quantity.