Originally Posted by korgat
1) nice video overall..
2) get rid of the electric guitar. use instruments that fit the genre please.
3) graphics look great, animations still weak, melee combat distance still too far
4) combat sounds are painful. i agree with others, damage "grunt" sounds need to be less frequent
5) 1st person head bobbing is excessive. i prefer head bobbing only when walking rather than attacking.

2. Out of the like 24 hours of music Todd wrote, I think he used electric guitar maybe on 2 songs, maybe 1. I think it fits in. Matter of taste I suppose. But there's not much of it.

3. See my other post about the anubis-guys anims. And we're still working on combat range, especially against giant-like NPCs (e.g. I agree with you)

4. We'll continue to tweak that.

5. We have two first persons -- we just added the one where you can see yourself, there's bobbing, etc. and it does need tweaking -- it's very new.
