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Thema: [Guild] Ebonlore

  1. Standard [Guild] Ebonlore

    I know this is a German site but I figured what the hell.

    Recruitement Post

    Ebonlore power gamer, pvp, and raid guild. With a long standing history, experience, and success we are looking to push forward to the very promising EQ2 coming out this year (hopefully). We are looking to start picking up members or even those who just want to chat with other people who will be making the leap to EQ2. We are an evil guild planning on going to whatever PvP servers that might pop up.

    Ebonlore has been around since 1997 for UO.
    In EQ we played on Emarr (Ebonlore), Torv (BoW), and SZ (Hate).

    We have a website which is currently being redone and will hopefully be up asap, Ebonlore. But for now how about visiting us on IRC, server irc.stratics.com on channel #ebonlore.

  2. Standard

    i think it will be a little bit probably, cause you are playing in america (?) and we in germany, so we have a huge timediffernce, but if i ever play on your server, so i will contact you.
    maybe we can play together in the beta, if we get an account.

    you also can add your guild at our guildregister:

    the inputs are:

    1. Guildname
    2. Guilddescription
    3. Guildmaster
    4. contactemailadress
    5. your homepage (URL)
    6. banner (the url to it)
    7. username
    8. password
    9. the same password again

    and just click on the last checkbox to accept the not existing (not finnished yet) general trading condition, and than submit
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

  3. Standard

    Haha thx whole forum section to myself ya major time difference but some people never sleep.

  4. Standard

    Sleep? What is that? We game 24/7 and Germans are welcome!

  5. Standard

    Mobs are awake 24/7, so why shouldn't we too? :D
    Take heed and listen
    For the Truth
    That lies herein
    Welcome to the World of Magic

  6. Standard

    Indeed, I like how you think.

  7. Standard

    hehe 24/7,
    i don't know if i play on an amy-server or on a german one...
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

  8. Standard

    Ebonlore looks evil :D

    Great, lets raid Qeynos! :evil2:

  9. Standard

    Has Ebonlore already made a decision where they will play (city)? Freeport or Qeynos?

  10. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von Ilion Sturmlied
    Has Ebonlore already made a decision where they will play (city)? Freeport or Qeynos?
    they are evil so they will start in Qeynos...
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

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