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Thema: why get the german communities less informations than the en

  1. Standard

    i am quite sure that UBISOFT will be the right partner for professional fansites like EQii.info ...
    so i would say give it some time until ubisoft has started their beta application process and probably this site will get free keys (how it is often handled for good fan-sites)

    whatever, usually the hill wont come to the prophet ;)
    m0wl ;)
    Warlock - Valor - Feral Fires

  2. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von ur'shak
    whatever, usually the hill wont come to the prophet ;)
    Rest assured that we know this and have already been busy working on the right relationships.

  3. Standard

    For myself I have never liked "german translations" of english rules ... since the days of AD&D 1st edition (where some critical errors were made in the translation) or AD&D 2nd edition where they made some really really stupid mistakes (like keeping the Index from the english version in the german version ... although german text is approximately 20% longer all the time). I also think some translations sound VERY odd in german ... like "Froschlock".

    Those are just my opinions and I learned english by reading AD&D rulebooks enough to be fluent in it ...

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