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Thema: What is with the......

  1. Standard What is with the......

    What is with the level, HP, and Mana next to the posts? I am just wondering why it says i am level 2? does it go up with the number of posts you have or what??

  2. Standard

    aye ... the more posts you make, the higher in lvl you grow ... mana bar shows how many posts you made recently and the green bar shows how LONG your posts are (gives a good picture if someone is simply spamming or adding qualitative posts ;) )
    m0wl ;)
    Warlock - Valor - Feral Fires

  3. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von gracjanski
    HP, MP, EXP, LVL
    HP: represents how active the user is. max hp is based off level, current hp is based on how often the user posts.
    MP: represnts how quickly the user posts. Max mp is based on level, each post costs mp, and mp regenerates over time.
    Exp: a percentage showing how many more posts the user has to make to get to the next level.
    Level: a user's level is based on how many posts the user has made. This should be able to scale up indefinitly.
    mfg, Berme


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