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Thema: Wartower.de tritt dem gamona Netzwerk bei!

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    man lese die gw faq und werde schlau :D

    Is Guild Wars an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)?

    Guild Wars has some similarities to existing MMORPGs, but it also has some key differences.
    Like existing MMOs, Guild Wars is played entirely online in a secure hosted environment. Thousands of players inhabit the same virtual world. Players can meet new friends in gathering places like towns and outposts where they form parties and go questing with them. Unlike many MMOs, when players form a party and embark upon a quest in Guild Wars, they get their own private copy of the area where the quest takes place. This design eliminates some of the frustrating gameplay elements commonly associated with MMOs, such as spawn camping, kill stealing, and lines to complete a quest.

    Guild Wars takes place in a large virtual world made up of many different zones, and players can walk from one end of the world to the other. But Guild Wars eliminates much of the tedium of traveling through the world. Players can instantly return to any safe area (town or outpost) that they've previously visited just by clicking on it in the world overview map.

    Rather than labeling Guild Wars an MMORPG, we prefer to call it a CORPG (Competitive Online Role-Playing Game). Guild Wars was designed from the ground up to create the best possible competitive role-playing experience. Success in Guild Wars is always the result of player skill, not time spent playing or the size of one's guild. As characters progress, they acquire a diverse set of skills and items, enabling them to use new strategies in combat. Players can do battle in open arenas or compete in guild-on-guild warfare or the international tournament. But engaging in combat is always the player's choice; there is no player-killing in cooperative areas of the world.

    Finally, unlike existing MMOs, all characters in Guild Wars inhabit the same virtual world -- they are not divided onto different servers or shards -- so players can always team up with or compete against any other player in the world.
    Das e³ event war einzigartig in der Spielegeschichte und ich fands genial. Wird für mich der Toptitel der näheren Zukunft. Aber jedem das seine.

  2. Standard

    Irgendwie ist das ganze Gamone Netzwekr interessant. Ihr habt die grösste WoW Fanpage, die grösste und beste EQ Fanpage, eine grosse Ragnarok Fanpage, die grösste Ryzom Fanpage, etc. Nun kommt wartower. Also das ganze Netzwerk sollte wohl für alle MMORPler interessant sein.

  3. Standard

    Zitat Zitat von Innoruuk
    Irgendwie ist das ganze Gamone Netzwekr interessant. Ihr habt die grösste WoW Fanpage, die grösste und beste EQ Fanpage, eine grosse Ragnarok Fanpage, die grösste Ryzom Fanpage, etc. Nun kommt wartower. Also das ganze Netzwerk sollte wohl für alle MMORPler interessant sein.
    ist es doch auch oder hat jemals wer was anderes behauptet? :D2
    Molgam Network alles Rund um MMORPGs.
    Webdim Media, Webdesign, CMS und mehr!
    truefun.de, Wahrer Spaß - Bilder, Babes, Videos, Games, Witze und anderes!
    ■ Gilden: VSoH - Die Aggronauten || EQ2 - Die Gemeinde

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