Hört sich wirklich genial an.Zitat von gracjanski
Aber was heißt denn bei dir "man sollte nicht alles wissen"? Ich will aber alles wissen!
Hört sich wirklich genial an.Zitat von gracjanski
Aber was heißt denn bei dir "man sollte nicht alles wissen"? Ich will aber alles wissen!
aktuelle Kommandos Stand: US Patch vom 23.9.2004
EQ2 Commands
In game, to list all commands by letter, type /a then hit TAB. Then /b and TAB, etc.
/auction – announce items you want to sell
/g – group chat
/em text – emotes text
/cheer – emote for cheer (and a ton other that can be found in the socials window)
/brb – you tell everyone around you that you will brb
/t charname text - send text to charname
/telltarget will send a /tell to your target
/r or /reply Reply to your last tell
Misc / Utility
/showhood - toggle your headgear's visibility on and off, while still wearing the headgear
/bubble_fontsize n - change text size in chat bubbles to size n
/kill – kill yourself, probably not terribly useful
/dis - disable experience (not sure why you would want to) -toggles
/motd - show game message of the day
/filter - toggles obscenity filter
/friend name -adds/removes name from your friend list
/ignore name - adds/removes name from your ignore list
/log – logs text to .txt file
/played – character played time information
/time – in game, real life time
/mood [mood] - where [mood] is afraid, happy, sad, tired, angry, none - moods persist until changed
/camp, /exit - to quit out of everquest 2
/yell – breaks encounter and yells for help
/con – considers target (same info as is portrayed by mouse cursor)
Group and Raid
/invite -- same as radial "invite to group"
/invite charname - will invite char name to group Ctrl + I
/makeleader name or target
/raidinvite -- same as radial "invite to raid"
/leavegroup, /leave -- same as radial "leave group"
/leaveraid -- same as radial "leave raid"
/kickfromgroup -- same as radial "kick from group"
/kickfromraid -- same as radial "kick from raid"
/disband will now disband the group member you have targeted. Ctrl + D
/follow – follows your target
/assist char name, partial or full name- you will target char name’s target
/assist – you will target your target’s target (NPC or PC ok)
/target name - targets name
Char Status Flags
/anon - anonymous, hide class/level/etc
/afk [optional message to be returned to anyone who /tells you]
/lfg - add you to the lfg search results
Who & Example Uses
Note: the cap on how many names are displayed is 100. So if the who result is 100, it is likely that there are more results than that. Try narrowing your /who command by adding more parameters, such as a level range.
just /, or /who (will bring up a list of people currently in the same zone as you)
/who all (can be many things)
/who all, good, evil, roleplay, scout, bard, dirge, 30 40, 30, friends
/who all GM (will bring up a list of GM's) currently bugged and showing some non-gm players too
/who all shaman 10 12 (would bring up all shamans level 10 to 12)
/who all 8 (would bring up anyone level
/Whotarget will run a /who on your target
/tellchannel -> send message to room specified. Alias: /csay
/# -> tell command for channel number assignment (better than /tellchannel #)
/joinchannel -> enter a room (or create if doesn't exist).
/leavechannel -> leave a room. game/world rooms.
/leaveall -> exit all channels you are currently in.
/channellist -> lists all channels currently in.
/whochannel # -> lists all users in specified channel.
(channelnumber is displayed next to name in chat window whenever receive message regarding that channel (i.e "You tell channelname (1), "hello channel" "))
/guild create Guild Name – temporary method of guild creation
/guild invite -target a player in the same zone and invite them to join your guild. You must be an officer to do this
/guild kick -used by officers to remove people from a guild - might work to target yourself and kick too..not sure
/guild promote -used to promote people to full member and officer
/who all guild - lists whoever is on in guild at the moment
/gu or /guildsay
/guild motd MESSAGE (adds a message that all guild members will see when they log on) I am assuming if you just type /guild motd you will see the message without changing it but have not tested it. Also I imagine only the leader or maybe officers can change it. Not sure.
/pet attack: pet will attack your current target
/pet backoff: pet will cease attacking its target
/pet stayhere: pet will stop following you and remain where it is
/pet followme: pet will follow you
/pet report: pet will announce his health in a percentage
/pet guardme: pet will guard and follow you
/pet guardhere: pet will guard its current location
/pet who: pet will announce its master
/pet getlost: pet will disappear
/typo - allows you to submit cosmetic typo's
/bug - for real bugs
/feedback - for ideas, suggestions comments
/petition – report a player
Useful Tidbits
You can repeat your last entry in the chat window by clicking in it (or hitting enter to enter chat mode) then hitting the up arrow key to scroll through previous entries. Hitting the down arrow key will scroll down through entries to the most recent, then to a blank. Holding shift and hitting up or down goes to the first recorded entry (up) or clears the chat box (down).
Also, for Keyboard Commands, check out EQII_Commands.doc in your local Everquest I I Beta install folder.
================================================== ===============================
Mouselook Hold right button and move mouse
Pitch Up Numpad 9
Page Up
Pitch Down Numpad 3
Page Down
Recenter Camera Numpad 5
Zoom In Numpad Plus
Mousewheel Up
Zoom Out Numpad Minus
Mousewheel Down
Change View F9
================================================== ===============================
Forward W
Up Arrow
Numpad 8
Mouselook + Left Mouse Button
Backward S
Down Arrow
Numpad 2
Turn Left A
Left Arrow
Numpad 4
Turn Right D
Right Arrow
Numpad 6
Move Left Q
Ctrl + A
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Ctrl + Numpad 4
Mouselook + Turn Left
Move Right E
Ctrl + D
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Ctrl + Numpad 6
Mouselook + Turn Right
Swim Up Numpad 7
Swim Down Numpad 1
Run/Walk Shift + R
Autorun Num Lock
Jump Space
Crouch C
Sit X
================================================== ===============================
Begin Chat Input Enter
Begin Command /
Chat Page Up Shift + Page Up
Chat Page Down Shift + Page Down
Tell T
Reply R
Groupsay G
================================================== ===============================
Clear Target Escape
Target Single left-click on object or character in worldview
Target Self F1
Target Pet Shift + F1
Target Groupmates F2 to F6
Target Group Pets Shift + F2 to F6
Target Next NPC Tab
Target Prev. NPC Shift + Tab
Target Nearest PC F7
Target Nearest NPC F8
Next Encounter NPC Ctrl + Tab
Prev. Encounter NPC {No default mapping}
================================================== ===============================
Hail Target H
Autoattack on/off ~
Interact/Use Double left-click on object or character in worldview
Screenshot Print Screen
================================================== ===============================
Primary Bar 0 to = 9
Secondary Bar Alt + 0 to = 9
Tertiary Bar Ctrl + 0 to = 9
Primary Bar Banks Shift + 0 to = 9
Secondary Bar Banks Shift + Alt + 0 to = 9
Tertiary Bar Banks Shift + Ctrl + 0 to = 9
================================================== ===============================
Next UI Mode F10
Close Top Window Escape
Inventory I
Quest Journal J
Knowledge K
Skills L
Map M
Socials O
Community Y
Effects Alt + E
Group Alt + G
Hotkeys Alt + H
Quest Helper Alt + J
Maintained Spells Alt + M
Compass Alt + N
Options Alt + O
Pet Alt + P
Target Alt + T
Player Alt + U
Experience Alt + X
Game Menu Alt + Escape
%t = {target's name}
%r = {race of target}
Ich dachte, die haben das alles selbst herausgefunden? Wusste gar nicht, dass man mit so ein einfachen Befehl alle Kommandos sich anzeigen lassen kann. Also einfach /a eintippen und dann einfach TAB drücken - richtig?
Aber warum sind da nicht alle alternativen drinnen? Z.B. ist /who das gleiche wie /wer.
Mich würde noch interessieren ob das alles noch eingedeutscht wird, also ob es sich lohnt sich das jetzt schon alles auswendig lernen. :D Wenn nicht, werden dann wenigstens die Emotes Kommandos übersetzt?
:/ Ich brauche was über Macros. Kennt jemand EQ1 tutorials über Macros oder so?
Ich habe mal da was gefunden. Ist zwar nicht groß, aber vielleicht hilft dir das auch schon weiter (wenn du es überhaupt noch nicht kennst :D):
genau so was suche ich
Endlich Stoff zum schreiben
hats nicht immer geheissen, daß US und die lokalisierte version immer den gleichen stand haben sollten? mal abgesehen von der übersetzung meine ich... jedenfalls ist davon nichts zu merken...aktuelle Kommandos Stand: US Patch vom 23.9.2004
Mecker Mecker... Vielleicht bist du ja zu faul, den Dev Tracker zu lesen oder so aber bitte:Zitat von Wizz
1. Warum wir noch nicht den gleichen Stand haben, wurde dort erwaehnt.
2. Es ist noch eine Beta
3. Es ist noch eine Beta
4. Sollen wir die Tage auf den aktuellen Stand gebracht werden.
Gruessle, flyer303
Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher. - Albert Einstein
da sind wir ja heute wieder mal sehr freundlich...Zitat von flyer303
gibts da auch nen link dazu?
Den DEV-Tracker findest du im offiziellen Beta-Forum ganz oben
(rot markiert neben dem SOE-Logo).
Macht schon Sinn, da ab und zu reinzuschauen...
Die Devs geben hier recht detailliert Auskunft zum aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung und beantworten sogar Fragen zur Deutschen oder Franz. Beta.