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All-New Spells & Combat Arts: Part 2
Last week we revealed some upcoming changes designed to help you individualize your character. You saw details of Traits, Tactics, and Traditions that give you some great options to choose your own path as you adventure in Norrath.
Yesterday we showed off some fun spells and arts that bring unique abilities to each subclass. Today we'll list some of the new spells and arts going live in this week's beta update that bring further definition to every profession. Remember, every subclass gets at least one new ability every level, so this list represents just a sample of the new and exciting spells and arts we're adding to the game!
Level 24 - Ferocity of the Eel: This spell grants the ability to breathe underwater. When the target group member is hit, the opponent takes crushing damage over time.
Level 26 - Savagery: An augmentation that increases the agility and strength of a party member. It also give a chance for an additional melee attack and slashing damage over time on each successful attack.
Level 29 - Vicious Feast: An impairment that, upon the target's death, increases the stamina and strength of the entire party and replenishes their health over time.
Level 25 - Frost: This spell does instant cold damage to your opponent, plus does additional instant divine damage if the target is elemental in nature.
Level 30 - Oakskin: This spell increases the power pool of a party member and raises their heat and cold resistance.
Level 34 - Warden of the Forest: This spell grants a wolf form that increases health and power pools, increases armor class, gives the ability to see hidden entities, and provides a chance for an additional special melee attack.
Level 35 - Act of Belief: An augmentation that grants each party member a chance to do instant divine damage on a single successful attack.
Level 40 - Heretic's Fate: An impairment that causes instant heat damage to your opponent's encounter members when the target opponent dies.
Level 50 - Zealotry: This spell increases the attack speed of all your party members. It costs power periodically and completely immobilizes the caster throughout the duration of the spell.
Level 25 - Celestial Strike: Does instant mental damage to the opponent, plus additional instant divine damage if the target is undead.
Level 28 - Intercession: A group augmentation that instantly heals a group member when they are attacked, but has a limited number of heals before expiring. It has a chance to trigger an armor class buff on the group.
Level 41 - Salvation: Rescues a party member who is on the verge of collapse by averting the death and replenishing health. A minor power regeneration is also placed on the party member.
Level 21 - Revulsion: This spell decreases the intelligence, wisdom, and strength of your opponent.
Level 22 - Degeneration: This spell decreases your target's attack speed and reduces its strength and stamina.
Level 39 - Primordial Terror: This spell causes your opponent to flee in fear for a short time, then prevents the target from moving after the fear subsides.
Level 23 - Water Spirit: This spell grants underwater breathing and increases the defensive capabilities of a party member.
Level 40 - Howl of the Ancients: This spell reduces the stamina, noxious mitigation, and elemental mitigation of your opponent and its allies in the same encounter.
Level 45 - Shadowy Attendant: This spell summons a protective spirit that casts replenishing spells on your party, but this spirit can neither move nor attack.
Level 28 - Despotic Mind: This spell does instant mental damage to the opponent and places a curse on them. If the target dies while under this curse, a Thoughtstone is granted to the caster.
Level 38 - Enthrall: This spell mesmerizes the opponent; any hostile action will awaken the target. This spell can be cast while stifled or stunned.
Level 40 - Signet of Realization: This spell increases intelligence and agility while granting mental mitigation to the group. It also adds a reactive effect on party members that has a chance to inflict a power tap on the attacker.
Level 32- Construct of Order: This spell summons an illusory pet that attacks the current target until the spell expires. If the pet is killed before the spell ends, it will burst into a blast of mental energy and stun the opponent who slew it.
Level 38 - Capture Mind: This spell mesmerizes your opponent, though a hostile action will break the effect. This spell cannot be interrupted nor can it fizzle.
Level 42 - Wither Hope: This spell does mental damage over time to the target, and decrease magic, mental, and divine mitigation. It also has a chance to trigger additional instant mental damage to the target.
Level 22 - Putrid Cloud: This spell does instant poison damage to all members of an encounter and stuns the primary target.
Level 26 - Suffocating Cloud: This spell does increased instant disease damage to the target and all surrounding encounter members, has a chance to briefly stifle each target.
Level 40 - Toxic Grasp: An augmentation that has a chance to grant a group member additional poison damage over time on a successful attack. It also places a reactive effect on the target that has a chance to tap the health of an opponent inflicting poison damage.
Level 26 - Flametongue: An augmentation that has a chance to grant a group member additional heat damage over time on a successful attack. It also grants the target group member additional heat mitigation.
Level 28 - Essence Harvest: This spell replenishes power instantly but stuns the caster for a period of time.
Level 34 - Freezing Wind: This spell does cold damage over time and decreases elemental mitigation on the target and its encounter members within the area of effect.
Level 30 - Grasping Bones: This spell stuns the target and allows the caster's pet to do increased damage while the target is stunned.
Level 35 - Unholy Covenant: This spell increases the power pool, magic mitigation, and noxious mitigation of all party members. It also increases the health pool of all the pets in the party.
Level 40 - Teachings of the Dead: This spell increases the stamina, intelligence, and disease mitigation of the group. It also adds a reactive effect on party members that has a chance to replenish a small amount of health instantly when a disease-based attack lands.
Level 22 - Shards of Ice: This spell does instant cold damage to all members of an enemy encounter and reduces their movement speed.
Level 26 - Spiked Rain: This spell does piercing damage over time and reduces the opponent's armor class when the damage effect expires.
Level 45 - Flameshield: An augmentation that protects a group member by doing instant heat damage to an attacker whenever they successfully strike the target.
Level 29 - Thuri's Doleful Thrust: This is a quick attack that deals power damage over time and drains enemy health, returning a portion of it to the dirge.
Level 27 - Death's Scent: This song increases agility, arcane, and disease resistance.
Level 44 - Jael's Dreadful Depletion: When used with a ranged weapon, this song launches two shots at once that deal mental damage, return a portion of enemy health to the dirge, and transfer a small amount of power on a successful hit.
Level 29 - Sandra's Deafening Strike: This is a quick attack that deals mental and power damage over time to the opponent.
Level 33 - Walt's Thirsting Thrust: This song is a flanking attack that deals medium damage, reduces enemy power, and increases the troubadour's attack speed on a successful strike.
Level 37 - Guviena's Disparate Chant: This song decreases enemy movement speed, reduces wisdom, and slightly drains power when the snare dissipates.
Level 29 - Disarming Thrust: This is a fast attack that knocks down the enemy and slows its attack speed.
Level 31 - Craven Walk: This ability that allows the brigand to move stealthily. If attacked, the brigand will feign death.
Level 47 - Gambit: This art is a flanking attack that deals damage, decreases enemy defense, interrupts spells, and has a chance to stun the opponent.
Level 36 - Tricky Display: This art decreases the enemy's defensive capabilities and increases the swashbuckler's attack speed, though it slightly increases how much the opponent hates the swashbuckler.
Level 37 - Checkmate: This ability decreases enemy movement speed, then stifles the opponent when the snare dissipates.
Level 47 - Disheartening Guile: This is a flanking attack that deals damage, reduces the enemy's armor class, decreases its agility, and interrupts the target if it is casting.
Level 36 - Torment: This art decreases the enemy's defense, plus its resistance to slashing and piercing attacks.
Level 37 - Moor: An ability that decreases the enemy's movement speed, deals damage, and applies a minor damage shield to the assassin.
Level 46 - Creeping Impetus: This ability greatly increases the assassin's ability to parry attacks as well as augmenting both defense and strength, at the cost of reducing attack speed.
Level 31 - Huntsman's Trap: This art allows stealthed movement, the ability to see hidden enemies, and snares enemies if the ranger is attacked.
Level 41 - Veil of the Forest: This art grants increased agility, movement speed, and disease resistance.
Level 44 - Sharp Shot: Using a ranged weapon, this ability launches two shots at once that deal fire damage, ignoring some types of enemy armor with a small chance to snare the opponent.
Level 36 - Sunder: This art increases hate towards the berserker and knocks down to all enemies in an encounter.
Level 43 - Rupture: This is an extra attack that deals additional slashing damage over time.
Level 44 - Unflinching Will: The berserker sacrifices offensive power for increased defense and an increase in mental resistance.
Level 29 - Shatter: This is an extra attack that decreases the enemy's slashing resistance.
Level 31 - Suppress: An art that increases hate towards the guardian and slows the attack speed of the enemy.
Level 35 - Topple: This is a multi-enemy attack that reduces the attack capabilities of any opponent hit.
Level 35 - Beatdown: This multi-enemy attack deals additional damage to a single enemy.
Level 36 - Boast: This art increases hate towards the bruiser and grants him or her an increased attack speed.
Level 37 - Rousing Cry: An ability that increases the offensive capabilities and damage output of the group.
Level 22 - Hand Clap: This art increases the opponent's hatred toward the monk and interrupts all enemies in an encounter.
Level 44 - Winding Dragon: Using this art, the monk sacrifices a degree of accuracy in exchange for the ability to do increased damage to the opponent.
Level 49 - Storming Hydra: This is a multi-enemy lightning attack that also grants increased agility to the monk.
Level 37 - Insatiable Hunger: This spell increases the offensive capability of the group and grants all members a chance to lifetap their opponent with each attack.
Level 45 - Insidious Whisper: A spell that increases the enemy's hatred of the shadowknight, deals disease damage over time, and lowers the attack rating of the opponent.
Level 46 - Calculated Evasion: This spell allows the shadowknight to shield their ally from attacks while increasing the shadowknight's agility.
Level 37 - Call to Glory: A spell that increases the offensive capabilities of the group, transfers some of the enemy's hatred of the group members to the paladin, and increases the paladin's damage output.
Level 41 - Courageous Dash: When used with a shield, this spell stuns the enemy and increases its hatred of the paladin.
Level 43 - Condemnation: This spell provides an extra attack that decreases the enemy slashing and crushing resistance.
Look for more spells to be revealed as players discover them!
Deutsche Übersetzung (auch von Johnny danke)
Letzte Woche haben wir Euch einige der kommenden Änderungen vorgestellt, die Euren Charakter einzigartiger machen sollen. Ihr kennt nun Details über Charakterzüge (Traits) Taktiken (Tactics) und Traditionen (Traditions), und habt damit viele Optionen offen wie Ihr Euren Weg durch Norrath gehen wollt.
Gestern haben wir euch einige Fun Zauber und Kampfkünste vorgestellt, die für jede Sub Klasse unterschiedlich sind. Heute listen wir einige Zauber und Kampfkünste auf, die im Beta Update diese Woche live gehen werden, und dabei helfen die Klassen noch unterschiedlicher zumachen. Denkt dran jede Sub Klasse wird mindestens eine neue Fähigkeit in jedem Level erhalten, also zeigt diese Liste nur eine kleine Auswahl der neue und aufregenden Zauber und Kampfkünste die wird ins Spiel bringen werden.
(Der Rest wird nicht übersetzt, falls etwas unklar sein sollte, einfach fragen, es werden gerne welchen helfen die kein Englisch können)