Mit dem letzen Patch hat SOE etwas grafisch sichtbar gemacht, was es vorher schon gab, aber was nur verborgen existierte und im UInicht sichtbar war: die Vitality - Boni.
im Forum steht dazu:
All characters gain a chunk of Vitality every hour, on the hour, and keep accumulating it until the maximum amount is saved up. Each time characters gain experience, they use up a portion of their Vitality and receive a bit more experience than usual. When the character runs out of Vitality, he or she no longer receives bonus experience.
So what is the confusing part? Well, currently the Vitality bonus is received at three different levels. At high Vitality, you're receiving matching experience for what you earn. At medium Vitality, you earn half as much bonus XP. At low Vitality, you earn one quarter bonus XP. Because each level of Vitality accumulates separately, it is possible to jump from one level to another when a previously empty pool accumulates enough bonus to draw from it. Unless a character stopped earning XP until their Vitality pools were completely full and played until they were completely empty, the bonus wasn't being awarded in a way that seemed to make logical sense. The lack of a gauge showing how much Vitality you have only makes things more difficult to understand.
In order to clearly show the effects of Vitality, we're going to switch to a single pool that gives a consistent amount of bonus experience. We also plan to add a UI gauge that shows how much Vitality you have left. This way everyone will be able to easily see how your XP is affected.
Wenn ich das richtig interpretiere, bedeutet das, die Vitality regeneriert sich nur, wenn man off ist.
Ich bete inständig, dass ich das falsch verstanden habe, denn ansonsten hat das zur Folge, dass diejenigen, die SOE's vollkommen durchs Hirn geschossenes Brokersystem dadurch in den Griff bekommen wollen, dass sie ihren Char online lassen, wenn sie afk sind (schlafen oder arbeiten) nun auch noch bestraft werden, weil sich während dieser Zeit ihre Vitality nicht regeneriert und sie weniger XP bekommen.
Hat das mal jemand ausprobiert?