In einem Beitrag von Jerrith wird den Vanguard Begeisterten nahe gebracht, dass das Harvesting Level gleich dem Abenteuer- oder dem Handwerkslevel ist. welcher Wert nun zählt hängt davon ab welches Level höher ist, denn dieses wird übernommen.
In einem weiteren Beitrag im offiziellen Vanguard : Saga of Heroes Forum bringt uns Jerrith das Verständis näher, was gemeint ist wenn vom Level gesprochen wird.Your harvesting level is equal to your adventuring level, unless your crafting level is higher in which case it is equal to your crafting level. There is no other way to affect your harvesting level.
Eine traurige Neuigkeit gibt es allerdings auch. Der Grafiker Tom King arbeitet seit geraumer Zeit nicht mehr zusammen mit Sigil Games Online. Wer etwas über die Gründe erfahren möchte kann sich hier oder hier darüber informieren.They are quite different, Faille.
As for the discussion above, I'll clarify a little more. Szandor has the right idea. When I say level, I mean the number which is used to determine your skill cap values, not your actual skill in harvesting. A foreman who has 10 levels in adventuring, but has never harvested will not be able to harvest anywhere near as well one that has harvested and raised his skills. Both are considered 10th level Foreman characters for various in game purposes, but the difference between these two is huge.
Link: Eure Kommentare im ForumI haven't had time to deal with this issue head on due to a very busy schedule. But I have made it crystal clear in the past, that I do not wish my art to be connected to any commercially owned or operated website(s) without my express written consent. Also, I have yet to determine whether or not 1.) My artwork was used as a consideration of value placed in the purchase/acquisition of the EQInterface site, and 2.) Whether or not my artwork was a part of the acquisition (which as you can imagine would be quite bad considering my artwork is copyright without exception.)