Auf zwei Fragen von Martuk hat sich Brad McQuaid im offiziellen Forum geäußert.
Fragen von Martuk
1. If these items when dropped must be used for that encounter then or can they be saved and activated later?
2. I assume only one encounter of a route can be active at a time. If that is the case what happens if 2 people get the item to start the encounter wit, and roughly how many routes are there in a dungeon for these types of encounters?
Antworten von Cindy Bowens
1. We have a variety of options here and will likely use them. If the plan is to have the item persistent (saved) we can do that, or we can have the item disappear after you trigger the encounter route. The latter will probably be more common.
2. The second group with the item that triggers the encounter route would fail to trigger the route until the first group had moved on. That said, remember that longer routes are divided into segments, so there would be an item/trigger for each segment. The idea there being that more than one group could be on the same route, but in different segments (but not on the same segment at the same time).
How many routes and segments per dungeon depends on the size of the dungeon, the level range, etc. The idea behind our larger dungeons is that they should support multiple groups that are either just adventuring or on various routes and the segments within those routes. Ultimately, while we think the encounter route system addresses what instancing tries to addresss but without the negatives, having a lot of content and huge dungeons is just as, if not more, important.
Cindy erläutert, dass es mehrere Wege gibt während eines aktivierten Encounters gedroppte Items zu verwenden. So wird es beispielsweise Items geben, die lediglich temporär zur Verfügung stehen aber auch welche die für die Dauer sind. Zudem erklärt sie, dass es immer nur eine Gruppe ein einem Encountersystem geben wird, aber größere sind in Segmente aufgeteilt und bieten mehr Platz. Jedoch ist hier die Aufteilung so gestaltet, dass es nur maximal eine Gruppe in einem Segment geben wird.
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