Moorgard hat sich im Forum zu den im September anstehenden PvP Neuerungen geäußert. Er sagt uns nocheinmal, dass das PvP in speziell dafür vorgesehenen Arenen sttt finden wird. Ebenfalls wird es ein extra Balancing geben, das uns nicht beim PvE behindern wird.
Arena Champions is the new type of PvP competition I was referring to. If PvE fans don`t want to participate, they absolutely don`t have to. It only takes place in the arenas of Maj`Dul. Your PvE experience will not be compromised. We have zero plans to turn existing worlds or zones into PvP battle areas. Might we add new servers that offer other forms of PvP? Sure. But you won`t be forced to play on them.
You will never, ever have to PvP if you don`t want to.
No, we won`t. The great thing about our spell system is that we don`t have to change any spell or art for the sake of PvP.
We can specify separate effects for spells based on whether they are used for PvP or PvE. For example, if a particular spell does a huge amount of damage and we decide it messes up PvP, we can just set it so it does less damage against other players without affecting its impact on NPCs one bit.
I know one of the biggest concerns of the pro-PvE crowd is that they don`t want us changing or rebalancing the live game for the sake of PvP, and happily we don`t need to. Besides, with the type of PvP we`re introducing, no class-based PvP balancing is required anyway.Link: Moorgards Posting #1
Link: Moorgards Posting #2
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