In den neuesten Erkentnissen aus der Spieleschmiede Perpetual geht es um das Thema des Weltraumkampfes mit Raumschiffen. Es wird hauptsächlich auf die Bewegungsart eingegangen, welche trotz der 3D Modelle in 2D funktionieren wird. Die Begründung hierfür ist, dass der Steuermann / -frau nicht alleine über die Strategie entscheiden und eine Navigation zudem leicht zu erlernen sein soll. Für hardcore Strategen wird nicht die Steuerung des Schiffes im Kampf entscheidend sein, sondern die Tiefe des Spiels und die Kampfstrategien: in den Schiffscomputer des Gegners hacken, die Schilde umgehen und anderes.
Link: Mehr zu dieser News lesenHello again! This is Eric, here to talk about space combat. As Daron alluded to a few weeks back, we're beginning to have a solid picture of how ship combat works – and there has been some concern about the direction Daron mentioned. I'd like to elaborate a little bit on what Daron mentioned and explain the reasoning behind our model.
First off, although Daron mentioned 2D, our space combat is in 3D. The ships are 3D models, and the planned graphics engine should make our space combat look absolutely gorgeous. One of our goals for space combat is to create a cinematic experience – we want players to really feel like they are living out scenes from an episode or movie. This means lots of camera angles are available, including space shots, bridge shots, and scenes from around the ship. We expect space combat to be, in a word, breathtaking. When many people hear "2D" they think of sprites or other antiquated technology, and that isn't what we're talking about here.
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