Oloh von Silky Venom spielt schon seit dem ersten Tag in der Beta von Vanguard Saga of Heroes und durfte mit der Erlaubnis von Brad McQuaid seinen und damit den aller ersten Bericht aus der Beta veröffentlichen. In seinem Artikel behandelt er unterschiedlichste Aspekte, zu denen folgende gehören:
- Autoattacken
- Spezialangriffe
- Monsterangriffe
Vergleiche mit der Grafik und der Charaktermodelle stellt er ebenso an. Aber lest selbst:
With comments from the peanut gallery raging from "its too brown" to the "character models suck compared to Unreal 2008," I want to start off talking about something important…gameplay.
Rather than provide "puff" about how great it is, I think the best thing to do is just describe it. Res Ipsa Loquitur.
I am a player, not a developer. The description that I provide is from my experience playing almost every night of beta0 and the budding stages of beta1. It is slanted to the role I am most familiar with, warrior tanking. I am a level 34 warrior, and this is the system as it is in the game right now.
General Statement: If EQ's gameplay is considered a leisurely stroll, and WoW's is a healthy jog, Vanguard's gameplay feels like ice skating. It is smooth.
Link: Beta Bericht auf Silky Venom
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