In seinem neuen Bereich Moorhunter hat der neue Game Designer Moorgard einen neuen Artikel verfasst, in welchem er sich zum einen über die vielen Nachrichten bedanken möchte, die er seit und vor seinem Jobwechsel erhalten hat. Zudem beschreibt er auch seinen Weg vom Geschichtenschreiber bis hin zu seinem jetztigen Beruf als Game Designer.
What is the point of this lengthy history lesson? I guess to illustrate to you (and perhaps remind myself) that life may lead you in odd directions, but you usually end up where you\`re supposed to be. My life has, in one form or another, been about telling stories, and my two years on the EverQuest II team really crystallized that for me. After being allowed to express my creativity by working on some of the game\`s background lore, writing the twelve Tome of Destiny chapters, the lore pieces for the first two Adventure Packs, and a tale I really liked in the SOE Worlds magazine, it became clear to me that I wanted to spend more of my time telling stories to an audience, and that\`s ultimately what moving to design will allow me to do. I get to lay some of the groundwork for one of our upcoming expansions, an opportunity that absolutely thrills me. Plus, I get to ramble on about myself in posts like this one.Link: Artikel in der Moorhunter-Sektion
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